Things I want to do this year!

Although, you can turn over a leaf at any time in your life, wether it’s in June, or midweek, the first day of the New Year seems better. As it probably does for most people. I’ve been thinking about what I would like to accomplish over the next year and I thought I would create a blog post to look back on this time next year.

  1. Couch to 5k

This is something that I did actually start last year, but as it got colder I was less enthusiastic to continue to do it. So this year I want to restart and finish it, I’m not quite sure when I’m going to start yet though.

2. Cooking

I also started this last year. I like making food from scratch, like soups, and I would like to do more of it and expand my recipes a bit more. I’m not thinking about cooking from scratch everyday, I’d be happy just to have fishcakes and salad as something quick. Just food that is a little more healthier, and hopefully I can stick to that.

3. Planning

Planning and time management isn’t my strong point and something I need to improve on this year. Hopefully now I have had time off I’ll be able to get back to working, especially uni work. I still need to figure out which way is best for me.

Does anyone any ideas? Any ways it worked best for you?

4. Graduate

I want to graduate and be proud of myself. I had a target goal I want to reach but I don’t feel like I’ll be able to reach it. Academia has never been my strong point but I think as long as I graduate, it’s still better then not graduating at all..

Happy New Year!

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