My Few Weeks at University.

I’ve been at university for a 3 weeks now. The first week I moved in there wasn’t a whole lot to do because the course started the next week so it did get a little boring after a while and I may have gone a little stir crazy but all is good and I am …

Why I go to Galleries alone.

Since becoming more involved with art and realising I could make a career out of it, I seem to have become a bit protective about it. Majority of the time I go out into London and have a look around some galleries on my own. I prefer going on my own, it my ‘thing’. You …

Change. Why it’s good even though I loathe it.

I’ve never been a fan of change, why change something if you’re comfortable right? but I suppose that’s my anxiety talking. Since writing the post about my creative journey, I’ve come to the realisation that change is good no matter how much I hate it. Change should be embraced more, and that’s something I’m trying …

Plants and how they became a lifesaver.

Now I have written a post called ‘Play Snooker!’ which talks about my plant Tesco and how it improved my mental health. I now have 4 plants… I was given my plant, Tesco, during my Foundation course. One of the other students would talk to me and sometimes advise with my Mental Health (what to …

A Creative Journey

I knew from when I was quite a young age that I wanted to do something creative with my career. I was a creative child, and suppose still am now.. (not so much the child I hope.) I was always encouraged to draw (not that I was any good and I’m still not now) and …

So occupied it all went downhill.

I have so much time off uni I was trying to keep myself occupied so I didn’t let myself overthink etc & fall in an endless pit of despair.. and I have to say it was working. I felt, not great, but okay. The most okay I have been for a while, but I was …